Benavente Postcode (Portugal)

Benavente Postcode: 2130-010, 2130-011, 2130-012, 2130-013, 2130-014, 2130-015, 2130-016, 2130-017, 2130-019, 2130-020, 2130-021, 2130-022, 2130-023, 2130-024, 2130-025, 2130-026, 2130-027, 2130-029, 2130-030, 2130-031, 2130-032, 2130-033, 2130-034, 2130-035, 2130-036, 2130-037, 2130-038, 2130-039, 2130-040, 2130-041, 2130-042, 2130-043, 2130-044, 2130-045, 2130-046, 2130-047, 2130-048, 2130-049, 2130-050, 2130-051, 2130-052, 2130-053, 2130-054, 2130-055, 2130-056, 2130-057, 2130-058, 2130-059, 2130-060, 2130-061, 2130-062, 2130-063, 2130-064, 2130-065, 2130-066, 2130-067, 2130-068, 2130-069, 2130-070, 2130-071, 2130-072, 2130-073, 2130-074, 2130-075, 2130-181, 2130-182, 2130-183, 2130-184, 2130-185, 2130-186, 2130-187, 2130-188, 2130-189, 2130-190, 2130-191, 2130-192, 2130-193, 2130-194, 2130-195, 2130-196, 2130-197, 2130-198, 2130-199, 2130-200, 2130-201, 2130-202, 2130-203, 2130-204, 2130-205, 2130-206, 2130-207, 2130-208, 2130-209, 2130-210, 2130-211, 2130-212, 2130-213, 2130-214, 2130-215, 2130-216, 2130-217, 2130-218, 2130-219, 2130-220, 2130-221, 2130-222, 2130-223, 2130-224, 2130-225, 2130-226, 2130-227, 2130-228, 2130-229, 2130-230, 2130-231, 2130-232, 2130-233, 2130-234, 2130-235, 2130-236, 2130-237, 2130-238, 2130-239, 2130-240, 2130-241, 2130-242, 2130-243, 2130-244, 2130-245, 2130-246, 2130-247, 2130-248, 2130-249, 2130-250, 2130-251, 2130-252, 2130-253, 2130-254, 2130-255, 2130-256, 2130-257, 2130-258, 2130-259, 2130-260, 2130-261, 2130-262, 2130-263, 2130-268, 2130-269, 2130-270, 2130-272, 2130-273, 2130-274, 2130-275, 2130-276, 2130-277, 2130-278, 2130-279, 2130-280, 2130-281, 2130-282, 2130-283, 2130-284, 2130-285, 2130-286, 2130-287, 2130-288, 2130-289, 2130-290, 2130-291, 2130-292, 2130-293, 2130-294, 2130-295, 2130-296, 2130-297, 2130-298, 2130-299, 2130-300, 2130-301, 2130-302, 2130-303, 2130-304, 2130-305, 2130-306, 2130-307, 2130-308, 2130-309, 2130-310, 2130-311, 2130-312, 2130-313, 2130-314, 2130-315, 2130-316, 2130-317, 2130-318, 2130-319, 2130-320, 2130-321, 2130-322, 2130-323, 2130-324, 2130-325, 2130-326, 2130-327, 2130-328, 2130-329, 2130-330, 2130-331, 2130-332, 2130-333, 2130-334, 2130-335, 2130-336, 2130-337, 2130-338, 2130-339, 2130-340, 2130-341, 2130-342, 2130-343, 2130-344, 2130-345, 2130-346, 2130-347, 2130-348, 2130-349, 2130-350, 2130-351, 2130-352, 2130-353, 2130-354, 2130-355, 2130-356, 2130-357, 2130-999 (Number of Postcodes: 237 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in Portugal click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Benavente Postcode location: 38.983, -8.8. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Benavente on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (237):
>> Santarém, 2130-010 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-011 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-012 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-013 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-014 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-015 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-016 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-017 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-019 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-020 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-021 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-022 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-023 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-024 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-025 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-026 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-027 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-029 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-030 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-031 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-032 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-033 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-034 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-035 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-036 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-037 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-038 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-039 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-040 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-041 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-042 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-043 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-044 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-045 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-046 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-047 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-048 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-049 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-050 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-051 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-052 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-053 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-054 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-055 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-056 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-057 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-058 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-059 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-060 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-061 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-062 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-063 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-064 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-065 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-066 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-067 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-068 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-069 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-070 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-071 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-072 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-073 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-074 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-075 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-181 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-182 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-183 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-184 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-185 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-186 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-187 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-188 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-189 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-190 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-191 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-192 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-193 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-194 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-195 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-196 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-197 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-198 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-199 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-200 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-201 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-202 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-203 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-204 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-205 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-206 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-207 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-208 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-209 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-210 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-211 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-212 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-213 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-214 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-215 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-216 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-217 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-218 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-219 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-220 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-221 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-222 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-223 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-224 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-225 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-226 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-227 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-228 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-229 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-230 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-231 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-232 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-233 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-234 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-235 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-236 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-237 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-238 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-239 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-240 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-241 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-242 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-243 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-244 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-245 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-246 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-247 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-248 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-249 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-250 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-251 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-252 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-253 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-254 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-255 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-256 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-257 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-258 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-259 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-260 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-261 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-262 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-263 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-268 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-269 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-270 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-272 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-273 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-274 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-275 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-276 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-277 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-278 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-279 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-280 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-281 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-282 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-283 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-284 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-285 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-286 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-287 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-288 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-289 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-290 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-291 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-292 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-293 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-294 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-295 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-296 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-297 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-298 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-299 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-300 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-301 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-302 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-303 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-304 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-305 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-306 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-307 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-308 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-309 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-310 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-311 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-312 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-313 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-314 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-315 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-316 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-317 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-318 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-319 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-320 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-321 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-322 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-323 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-324 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-325 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-326 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-327 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-328 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-329 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-330 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-331 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-332 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-333 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-334 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-335 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-336 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-337 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-338 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-339 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-340 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-341 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-342 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-343 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-344 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-345 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-346 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-347 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-348 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-349 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-350 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-351 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-352 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-353 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-354 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-355 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-356 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-357 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8
>> Santarém, 2130-999 Benavente, Ribeira Grande, Atenor, GPS coordinates: 38.9833,-8.8